Tea Cozy Mysteries
Penelope Price Tea & Sympathy stories {1920s}- One Lump or Two - Kindle, Paperback
- Reading Between the Leaves - Kindle, Paperback
- Objets d'Artifice - Kindle, Paperback
- Esprit de Corpse - Kindle, Paperback
- No Scone Left Unturned - Kindle, Paperback
- Ada Hancock & le Chat Noir
- Peony for Your Thoughts (2022)
- Mummy's the Word (2023)
- Indraference (2024)
The Social Bluebook Dispatches featuring Pete & Patsy Charleville {1950s}
- Your Monet or Your Life - Golden Age Radio Play (available)
- Comedy of Eros (2022)
- Tea Biscuit (2023)
Cup of Mystery cold cases
- Earl Graves
- Marmalaid to Rest
- Quiche l'Arraigned
- Scone Cold Dead
- Vanishing Cream
- 3 part Triple Player
- Roleplaying mystery Not to Be Trifled with